Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. - Albert Einstein.
Aura scanning can provide a holistic assessment of a person's energetic state. It may reveal areas of imbalance...
Reiki can heal you within the comfort of your home as its all about using universal powers to activate the healing power...
The Akashic Records are believed to be a vast energetic archive that holds the collective information and experiences...
Welcome your little one in this world with ease get trained along with your partner how to birth with ease....
Know your Brain today as we can read your unique finger prints. We can determine everything about your strength's weakness...
Healing relationships using Reiki or energy work involves working with the subtle energetic aspects of the relationship...
Inner child healing is a valuable and significant aspect of personal growth and healing. It involves recognizing and addressing...
Tarot card reading is for someone who seek guidance in current situation or unable to have clarity in one's day to day life happenings...
Tanya is a dedicated and certified professional with expertise in multiple areas of holistic healing and personal development...Read more
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